
The Bones of Bir­ka: Unrav­el­ing the Mys­tery of a Female Viking War­rior, the inside account of the Bir­ka war­rior grave Bj 581 archae­o­log­i­cal endeav­or, includ­ing all of the dreams, set­backs, frus­tra­tions, excite­ment, pol­i­tics, and per­son­al­i­ties that went into this his­to­ry-chang­ing discovery.

Look­ing for a great book for moms and daugh­ters? You’ll enjoy The Best Moth­er.

You read The May­pop Kid­nap­ping, the first book in Quin­nie Boy­d’s series of mys­ter­ies set in Maid­en Rock, Maine. Then you wrote to tell me how much you loved Vam­pires on the Run. You asked when the next book would con­tin­ue Quin­nie’s sto­ry … Now, watch the trail­er for A Side of Sab­o­tage!

C.M. Surrisi

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