

edit­ed by Lee Child
and Lau­rie R. King

How to Write a Mystery

A Handbook from
the Mystery Writers of America

I con­tributed to this hand­book in which 70 of the most suc­cess­ful mys­tery writ­ers in the busi­ness pro­vide an invalu­able guide to craft­ing mysteries—from char­ac­ter devel­op­ment and plot to pro­ce­du­rals and thrillers—“this is a writ­ing guide that read­ers and writ­ers will turn to again and again” (Book­list, starred review).

Mys­tery Writ­ers of Amer­i­ca (MWA) is known for pro­vid­ing unpar­al­leled resources on the craft, art, and busi­ness of sto­ry­telling, help­ing writ­ers of all lev­els improve their skills for near­ly a cen­tu­ry. Now, this hand­book helps authors nav­i­gate the ever-shift­ing pub­lish­ing landscape—from pac­ing, plot­ting, the busi­ness side of pub­lish­ing, to the cur­rent demand for diver­si­ty and inclu­siv­i­ty across all gen­res, and more.

edit­ed by Lin­da Rodriguez
Wild­side Press, LLC

The Fish That Got Away

The 2021 Sisters in Crime Guppy Anthology

The Fish That Got Away is the lat­est anthol­o­gy from the Gup­pies Chap­ter of Sis­ters in Crime. This vol­ume selects 20 great new sto­ries from the ris­ing stars of mys­tery fiction!

Includ­ed are short sto­ries by Mary Adler, D.B. Dab­ney, Mark Thiel­man, Gene Gar­ri­son and 15 more mys­tery writers.

My con­tri­bu­tion is “Know Nothing.”

edit­ed by Ver­e­na Rose,
Rita Owen, and
Shawn Reil­ly Sim­mons
Wild­side Press, LLC

Mystery Most Theatrical

Ellen Hart Presents Malice Domestic 15

The Mal­ice Domes­tic anthol­o­gy series returns with a new take on mys­ter­ies in the Agatha Christie tradition—original tales with a the­atri­cal bent!

Includ­ed are short sto­ries by Anne Louise Ban­non, Phillip DePoy, Mar­garet Dumas, Mau­reen Jen­nings, Mer­rilee Rob­son, Lee Sauer, C.M. Sur­risi, James Lin­coln War­ren, and 26 more mys­tery writers.

My con­tri­bu­tion is “You Know How Actress­es Are.” When aging actress Cordelia Hunt­ing­ton suf­fers a ner­vous break­down on stage in a 1953 pro­duc­tion of Arsenic and Old Lace and retreats to a con­va­les­cent board­ing house for gen­tle women, an ama­teur sleuth saves her from a dra­mat­ic and dead­ly fate. 

edit­ed by Bar­bara Mer­ritt Deese,
Pat Den­nis, Michael Allan Mal­lo­ry,
and Timya Owen
Twin Cities Chap­ter
Sis­ters in Crime, LLC

Minnesota Not So Nice


When ”Min­neso­ta Nice” flies out the win­dow, Bad Behav­ior takes cen­ter stage. The Twin Cities Chap­ter of Sis­ters in Crime explores what defines the leg­endary ”Min­neso­ta Nice” and why Bad Behav­ior some­times has its own rewards in their lat­est mys­tery anthol­o­gy. Eigh­teen tales of Bad Behav­ior from some of Min­neso­ta’s best crime fic­tion authors.

My con­tri­bu­tion is “The Bequest.” It is an adult mys­tery sto­ry that fore­shad­ows my mid­dle grade nov­el Vam­pires on the Run. In it, two writ­ers from New York receive a bequest from a farmer in Min­neso­ta that eeri­ly and irrev­o­ca­bly changes the course of their careers.

C.M. Surrisi

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