
The Bones of Birka

Unraveling the mystery
of a female Viking warrior

When archae­ol­o­gist Dr. Char­lotte Heden­stier­na-Jon­son dis­cov­ers that the bones con­tained in the most sig­nif­i­cant Viking war­rior grave ever opened are in fact female, she and her team upend cen­turies of his­tor­i­cal­ly accept­ed con­clu­sions and ignite a furi­ous debate around the real­i­ty of female Viking war­riors and the role of gen­der in both ancient and mod­ern times.

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How to Write a Mystery

A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America

edit­ed by Lee Child with Lau­rie R. King

From the most suc­cess­ful mys­tery writ­ers in the busi­ness, an invalu­able guide to craft­ing mysteries—from char­ac­ter devel­op­ment and plot to pro­ce­du­rals and thrillers—a must-have for every aspir­ing mys­tery writer.

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C.M. Surrisi

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