
Schoolapalooza A Silly Alphabet of 26 Schooltime Poems

Ryan G. Van Cleave, edi­tor
Illus­trat­ed by  Lau­ra Vitória Jäger
Moon­show­er, 2024


A Silly Alphabet of 26 Schooltime Poems

Twen­ty-six poets from Jane Yolen and Hei­di Stem­ple to Charles Waters and Mar­i­lyn Singer cheer, wail and salute the class­room in this sil­ly trib­ute to school.

Cal­cu­la­tors and erasers, school bus­es and pop quizzes, recess and a school vaca­tion countdown―nothing about the school day (or school year) is out of bounds in this poet­ry col­lec­tion from today’s best children’s poets.

Back­mat­ter includes expla­na­tions of poet­ry tech­niques used in the book with spe­cif­ic exam­ples and addi­tion­al poet­ry prompts and ideas.

You’ll find my poem “Show and Tell Snow­man” as the poem for “S.”

C.M. Surrisi

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